Meet Jen.
Your Co-Producer.
Jen is a generative AI music platform that helps you create music with your mind. She is an AI multi-instrumentalist with broad taste, she knows many genres and styles to help you craft the sound you desire with just a few words.
The new standard for
copyright compliance.
Jen adheres to a strict training doctrine and rigorous compliance process that emphasizes its commitment to transparency, compensation and copyright identification.
Every training input and generative output is automatically vetted for audio recognition and copyright identification utilizing a database of 150M tracks. Jen creates a cryptographic hash for each track, recorded on The Root Network blockchain, ensuring the integrity and timestamp of the track’s creations.
coming soon
Consumers own the tracks they create on Jen and can R3CORD™ tracks to make them sellable, adding a marketplace layer to personal creations.

Jen Training Doctrine

Prioritize transparency regarding our models, training process, and licensed data sets.
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Equitable compensation framework for creators and rights holders.
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End users must comply with copyright laws and adhere to terms of service.
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Architected with industry-compliant genes, featuring a pioneering licensing framework.
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AI developers must enact guidelines on the generation of outputs based on copyrights.
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Technology & Research

Jen’s universal high-fidelity AI model (48kHz stereo audio outputs) for text-to-music generation has been built from sophisticated research by our team of world-class AI PhDs. Our proprietary high-fidelity diffusion models are based on our proprietary neural network architecture.
Jen’s JEN-1 research paper published in August 2023 has been cited by some of the most respected AI research institutions, including Meta’s lab, Meta FAIR, which developed MusicGen, Sony AI Lab and ByteDance AI Lab.
Jen designed the first generative music AI that completes latent diffusion with multiple tasks, including generation, continuation and inpainting.
The initial JEN-1 research paper outlines our approach to text-guided universal music generation with omnidirectional diffusion models.
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Our JEN-1 Composer research paper details our unified framework for high-fidelity multi-track music generation.
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Detailing our JEN-1 DreamStyler research paper on customized musical concept learning via pivotal parameters tuning.
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Jen Co-Founders

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Shara Senderoff
Futureverse Co-Founder, Billboard 40U40 + Billboard Women In Music, Rolling Stone Future 25, Forbes 30U30, Fast Company 100 Most Creative
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Aaron McDonald
Futureverse Co-Founder + Technologist, EY Technology Entrepreneur of the Year
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Mike Caren
Founder, Artist Partner Group, Billboard Power 100 Music Entrepreneur
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Dr. Alex Wang
AI Scientist, Visionary Leader in Cutting-Edge AI Technology and Research

Research Team

Jen’s AI research team consists of the world’s leading AI PhDs and scientists who collectively have over 30 published artificial intelligence research papers in prestigious journals such as T-PAMI, TKDE, TIP, SIGIR, AAAI, ICRA, NeurIPS, ICCV, CVPR, and ACM MM.